-- Notice --

Aproncheck Software does not use log4j, and is not affected by the log4j exploit.

Lead Apron Check Software
 Lead Apron Check - Software Database - Lead Apron Inspection Program

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Welcome to LeadApronCheck.com
Your source for lead apron tracking.
A Lead Apron Tracking software that lets you easily Enter, Organize and Report your Lead Apron Tracking Information
Lead Apron Check Software Box

Lead Apron Inspection Data Entry
Data Entry
Entering your lead apron data is work flow oriented. ApronCheck has been designed specifically for the professional inspecting and tracking lead aprons. Top quality feedback from technologists was central to the the development process. When you see that ApronCheck fits like a glove, you'll know why: it's by design.
Lead Apron Check Worksheet
Inspection Worksheets
There is no easier way to confidently track your lead apron inspections. ApronCheck has the inspection worksheets ready to print.
Know the location of your lead aprons when they are out for repair
Apron Maintenance
You discover a damaged lead apron, you call the manufacturer, they decide to repair it, and the apron leaves your facility. Now how do you track it? ApronCheck can tell you where the apron is located, when it left your facility, when it arrived back and more.
Confidently Search for your Lead Aprons
Lead Apron Search
Keeping inspection data in a document or spreadsheet is nearly like keeping all your household silverware in a 5-gallon bucket. Each time you want a fork you have to DIG for it. ApronCheck has easy-to-use search features for locating a specific apron, all aprons needing inspection, or some other hospital guideline or individual criteria.
Lead Apron Check Tracking Report
Instantly generate inspection reports based on numerous parameters in the software. These organized and easy-to-read reports are indispensable when the JCAHO inspector arrives.